Doom and Gloom

Doom and Gloom

Back in the 1990s I discovered a newspaper that actually brought joy to my heart – it was called Positive News and was jam packed…

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Can You Know This Is True?

Can You Know This Is True?

There are so many things to give thanks for in life but when I’m making my own gratitude list quite high on that list is…

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Defenders of Faith?

Defenders of Faith?

If you take a British coin out of your pocket and look around its rim you will probably find the letters FD or ‘ Fid…

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Treasures of Heaven

Treasures of Heaven

One of the most popular exhibitions this summer here in London has been the Treasures of Heaven exhibition at the British Museum.  The exhibition’s subtitle…

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A segment of the first page of the Book of Genesis in the King James Bible.

The Book of Books: 400 Years of the King James Bible

I wonder what your relationship with the King James Bible has been.  And how has that relationship evolved over time?  It’s been around all our…

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A segment of a pentecost-themed quilt showing a dove, representing the Holy Spirit, against a background of red and yellow flames.

Pentecost for Unitarians

Yesterday we hosted a day conference here at the Essex Church – jointly organised by the World Congress of Faiths and the Alister Hardy Society…

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A person holding a drawing of a smiling face in front of their own face.

Who We Really Are

There is a story that you may know – it’s from the Jewish Hassidic tradition and it tells of the great Hassidic master Zusya.  When…

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A sad-looking girl looks away as two mean-looking girls appear to gossip unkindly about her in the background.

Sinfulness for Unitarians

I don’t know if any of you have heard about this – that one day, apparently, God was looking down at the earth and saw…

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A child holds a small globe of the world in their hand against a background of a bright green field with yellow dandelions.

One World, Our World

When I was a teenager, a long time ago, there were certain items of clothing that you just had to have and when I look…

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