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Who we are

A welcoming community of spiritual seekers

In early 2024, members of the congregation were invited to contribute their reflections on our shared values as a community, and the ways in which we put them into action in the world.

The best way to get to know us is to come along to our gatherings for a while and see for yourself. In the meantime, a selection of these one-line statements offers an impression of who we are and what we do together:

  • We know life can be hard to make sense of, so we come together to share the search for meaning.

  • We are here to learn and grow, so we offer encouragement and challenge, for the sake of personal and collective transformation. 

  • We need help to find our way in life so we connect with our ‘north star’, which some of us call God, through prayer and regular worship, which help to guide us in our daily living.

  • We value kindness so we are actively generous and considerate to everyone, especially when it is hardest to do so.

  • We know that everyone has different needs and preferences so we remember the ‘platinum rule’ and we strive to treat others as they would wish to be treated.

  • We know that we are human and we will surely make mistakes along the way, so we strive to show generosity to each other when things go awry, to recognise our own mis-steps, and seek repair and reconciliation.

  • We believe in being real with each other so we practice being honest about the reality of our lives instead of always putting on a brave face and ‘keeping up appearances’.

  • We value being part of a community, the social connection, the sense of belonging and being part of something bigger than ourselves, so we show respect, kindness and support for one another.

  • We value a sense of community, so we show up on a regular basis so we can be there for each other.

  • We want to be inclusive, so we regularly ask, ‘who’s not here?’ and take constructive action to demonstrate our commitment to inclusion.

  • We believe everybody has wisdom and insight to share, so we encourage each other to make creative contributions according to their talents.

  • We care about human suffering, so we speak up and get involved in campaigns for social justice.

  • We believe in LGBTQIA+ equality so we proudly celebrate diversity and speak up for equal rights, hosting inclusive events for all the queer community and supporting our trans siblings.  

  • We care about racial justice so we support anti-racist initiatives and strive to include ever-more diverse voices in our worship and learning.  

  • We believe in disability justice and inclusion so we are working to make our activities ever-more accessible to people with all manner of disabilities, neurodivergence, and health issues.

  • We’re concerned about the many threats to our environment so we speak up and get involved in campaigns on these issues.

  • We take our values seriously so we live by them, amongst ourselves, and in the wider world.

  • We know that it takes a lot of work to keep a congregation running, so we each play our part in the life of the church as best we can, offering our talents, sharing the load, and encouraging others.

  • We know that sustaining community requires our presence and commitment, so we show up for each other, and do what we can to help keep the show on the road, in order to ensure that the church is still here in years to come, for us, and for future generations.

A prayer for our ministry expresses our aspirations; we will return to it every year at our membership service to re-commit ourselves to these shared values and intentions:

Spirit of Life, God of All Love, we ask for your blessing on this congregation and our shared ministry and mission.
Help us to flourish and thrive; empower us to fulfil our calling.
May this be a community of spiritual commitment; somewhere we go to reconnect with what matters most in life.
Encourage us to seek your daily guidance; inspire us to pray all ways.
May this be a community of care and compassion; a safer, softer, kinder space; a holy house of sanctuary.
Grant us the spirit of generosity in our listening and speaking.
May this be a community of authentic connection and realness where we can show up as our true selves and share our stories.
Help us open our hearts to each other; reveal our common humanity.
May this be a community of learning, growth, and transformation; in which we are encouraged to use and develop our own unique gifts.
Guide us toward new horizons; call us onward to greater heights and depths.
May this be a community of resistance and liberation; a church where we speak and act for equality and justice.
Awaken in us the insight, strength, and courage to serve the greater good.
Spirit of Life, God of All Love, we commit ourselves to this shared ministry.
Bless the work of our hearts, minds, and hands in the years to come. Amen.

Light filtering through the forest, representing spiritual gatherings at Kensington Unitarian Church
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